Brainy Hive Schools

Give your child an


For The Future

We provide world-class, balanced, future-driven education that will put every child on a guaranteed path to success whatever their passions are and wherever life takes them.

What makes Brainy Hive Different

At Brainy Hive Schools, we understand that the world is changing fast and that we have a very important mission of preparing our students for relevance and success in a world that we cannot predict.

This is why our approach to education is different. Rather than turning our students into containers of redundant and outdated knowledge and information, we focus on raising children who can think, adapt fast, collaborate and navigate any change that life brings their way. Our approach to education is holistic and future focused. For us, education is not a business, is it a calling and a mission.

Why you should Choose Us

The Brainy Hive DNA

Focus on the child

Although parents makes the decision to enroll their children, we understand that our duty is first to the child. We prioritize the children in every decision we make. We would make a tough decision that benefits the child in the long run even if it inconveniences the parent today. We know you'll thank us later.

World Class Teachers

The quality of any school is a direct function of the quality of the teachers even before the aesthetics of the classroom. People can't give what they don't have, so we are particular about who we place in every class. A teacher who is not future ready cannot prepare children for the future.

Constantly Improving

We understand that education is not static. What worked 5 years ago may no longer work for the future, and as a future--driven school, we are constantly reviewing our approaches, content and strategies to ensure that every child gets only relevant and balanced education.

Our Programs

The ingredients of our learning pathways

Public Speaking
We are a licensed TED-Ed School, which means we teach public speaking using the TED Talks curriculum. Communication is one of the skills that every child would need irrespective of career choices. No child who passes through Brainy Hive should ever struggle on any stage anywhere in the wold.
STEM, Coding & Robotics​
We understand the role that STEM plays in the development of nations and in building skills for innovation. We are positioning our students to lead the pack in their chosen careers. We introduce them to STEM fields early. Here, Coding is a classroom subject from First Grade.
Being able to see things before they happen is one skill that industry leaders have. Through the game of chess, we prepare students to see life through different lenses, be better positioned in a very competitive world. It's more than the game, it's about the life skill it teaches, and we follow a curriculum.
People think Scrabble is about words alone, but the rigorous mental work that happens where every player has to evaluate the pieces they are dealt, create multiple combinations using those pieces and make the most mathematically profitable choice prepares them for a life of financial decisions and investments. We want them to be able to make the best decision always.
There is a way that being in one corner of the world shapes the worldview of students. At Brainy Hive, we are constantly connecting our students to other classrooms around the world through the Empatico program in virtual exchanges that allow them build confidence and also enables us benchmark how globally ready our pupils are.
STEM, Coding & Robotics​
Self defense is important, but beyond self defense, Tae Kwon Do teaches the art of discipline, focus and respect. Our students are drilled through multiple kicks, punches and moves that prepare them for every eventuality in life while developing resilience and grit through rigorous training.

School Sections

Creche & Preschool

Whether you need a place to keep your babies safe while you focus on work and business, or you need a place where your children would get the best possible start to their education, our preschool offers both. Many of our pupils came as babies, a testament to the quality of our preschool.

Grade School

Every child has a different pathway to success and relevance. At this stage, our goal is to help each child find their uniqueness and passions while giving them a world-class foundation that equips them to fit into any path they desire to pursue and prepares them for anywhere life takes them.

High School

Here, we invest resources in helping students become leaders who will be responsible for advancing the world and shaping the next iteration of humanity. We focus on Academic Rigour, STEM, Sports, Arts, Leadership and Entrepreneurship.

Butterfly Program

Our butterfly program caters for children with special needs and learning disorders such as Autism, Down Syndrome, Speech Disorders, Dyslexia and much more. Our goal is to help them overcome these challenges and have a normal and happy life with no limitations.


Real feedback from parents ​

Brainy Hive is doing an amazing job with grooming young minds. They understand each child’s learning style and handle them one on one. They balance teaching the regular school subjects with extra curricular activities that stimulate critical thinking. Their staff are well trained and are always very welcoming. Taking our children to Brainy Hive Schools is one of our best decisions so far. – Onyinye Stephen-Gow

The school curriculum is designed to address contemporary issues in our ever changing world. The school has a great team of teachers under the leadership of a thorough and erudite professional. – Anietie Ekpe

Brainy Hive is such an amazing school. I love the way parents are included in activities that are beneficial to the kids, parents and teachers. Their concern and care are tailored to the uniqueness of every child. I’ve never regretted my decision of choosing BHS. Kudos to them. – Edidiong Uko


We hear and read many scary stories about how what began as harmless rivalry among siblings when they were children grew to

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