Brainy Hive Schools

Meet Our Teachers


with impact

You can’t give what you don’t have. Teachers at Brainy Hive Schools are carefully identified for potential, go through a thorough selection process and are exposed to continuous training and improvement to ensure they remain at the cutting edge of their effectiveness in delivering world class education.


A school is only as good as its teachers

Buildings, Equipment and Facilities don’t make a great school. The quality of teacher in every classroom and the quality of decisions made by the school leadership determines the quality of education every child would receive there. At Brainy Hive, we pay very close attention to the quality of people who teach. Nobody here is “teaching for now” while looking for better opportunities, we carefully recruit individuals who see education as a calling and are willing to pour themselves into the development of their pupils.

Brainy Hive Leadership

Meet the team responsible for decisions and Direction

Elizabeth Ogunshola (Ph.D)
Founder & CEO
David Ogunshola
Co-Founder & Director
Ejiro Adigwe
Head, Admin & Quality Control
Aniekanabasi Udoh
Butterfly Program (Special Education)
Collins Reuben
Programs and Innovation
Eme Okon Edem
Quality Control
Modesayo Okeniyi
Head, High School
James Emuna
Head, IT & Operations